WebPageOne Solutions can help you to form a credible marketing strategy using Twitter and enable you to build a following that will enable you to grow your business.
Twitter has over 100 million users and it is still growing. If you are not yet on Twitter, then it is time to join and use it as part of an effective social media campaign. Social media marketing is about creating interactive conversations with your customers and Twitter is one big conversation.
The companies using Twitter successfully at the moment have several things in common: they have a target market for their niche which allows them to direct their tweets effectively. Some have a large following. A lot of followers can help to provide social proof of success and expertise, thus encouraging more people to follow. The most successful companies also tweet useful tips and information as well as pointing people to recent blog posts and company promotions.
Twitter is best used as part of your whole social media marketing strategy. When used in conjunction with a website and Facebook, it can be highly effective in enabling a company to talk with its customers to collect feedback on its products and services.
Marketing on Twitter begins by collecting followers. The easiest way to gather followers is to follow people yourself. You can use the search facility to follow people who are in a similar niche to yourself. It is also possible to have several different accounts which enable you to tweet on both a personal and a business level. There are programmes such as Tweetdeck which allow you to do this.
Make sure that you have a visible ‘Follow Me on Twitter’ button on your website. If you have an email subscriber list, then also ensure that every email has your Twitter details on it. You can also add ‘Retweet’ buttons to your articles on your website to enable people to share the details of the article on Twitter. Link your Twitter account to your Facebook fan page so that fans can communicate with you directly.
Once you have your followers, then you need to use them effectively. You can tweet anything as long as it is only 140 characters long. You can tweet motivational quotes, other interesting blog posts you have seen, links to your own blog posts or details of competitions. Free ebooks, helpful tips and insider knowledge will also be well-received. The more useful the tweets, the more they help to build trust and authority linked to your company. Monitor results carefully to ensure that you are getting results from your efforts.
Contact WebPageOne Solutions today about managing your company Twitter account as part of your social media marketing campaign.